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We cant act like Ants or Tigers and do the test



We cant act like Ants or Tigers and do the test

We cant act like Ants or Tigers and do the test. Reading what people have written. Completely silent. Read some of the Poets, look at the Art, listen to the Music, read what the world shapers say and everything in between. Or, they just popped into my head while I was doing something else like reading. Can we tap in to it, flow with it, be in it or not. This is my opinion after much watching and testing.
Remember that Rain Forest which was made in silence? Thats what were going to test. I think this type of work, or accomplishing, or whatever you want to call it is available to us. The industrious Ant has become the model for humans. Is it possible for we humans to do things in this way? Lets take the chore of finding solutions to our problems. Meditation, paying attention to thoughts and feeling. Here is the experiment, the test, to see if this is possible. It Is, and it is abundant. Remember, problems are problems because we say they are. Instead of the occasional boon Ill make it my natural everyday process for accomplishing things. Putting our Problems to Bed Now that we have clarified our problem as well as possible we will sleep on it. What is my state of consciousness? Or level of consciousness.
Can the solutions come out of us, or through us, effortlessly? So effortlessly that we can do it in our sleep? Everyone has woken to an answer at one time or another. The days are getting longer. My current personal problem is: I keep habitually addressing problems as if I were an Ant, or a Tiger. There are properties in light and water that hold the key to life itself. Heres something to look at Lets raise the level of consciousness Bimetallic Barrel in ourselves. I really like Tigers too but are they good role models? Are they all I need to know? Is this how I want society to work? The Tigers rule and the Ants toil? What Ive learned from Tigers is there are some obstacles you cant meet head on with a club. Its there.
The Natural World Watching nature, plants, animals, the weather, the seasons, the heavens. The rain forest was made in silence. Ever notice how no one says make, create or build a higher state of consciousness? Its always something like attain, gain (as in gain on or catch up to), strive towards. I suppose there are three main areas we can get this data. How about learning from the tree? Could I do things like that? In total silence? Without all that noise and movement and effort? Ive come to see that this is the best way to get things done. The first would be watching the world around us. This is not mistake or happenstance. The level was what it was and now its this. Every night will be a little Winter. What does that mean. It knows this and knows that this is the time for a little action on the ends of the branches. What I do is try and make this the rule. Neither of which I am, or wish to be. Then I want to ask if we can do things in the same way. The similarity in any analogy we choose Lake, barrel and so on is there has to be a place for the water. The System of Life Everyone and anyone is completely qualified to remark on the system of life.Ive been studying the System of Life for some time now. How do we raise the level of water, say, in a barrel? I picked this because in this case we control the water, or the consciousness. Here is a really good video to watch. Its been there all winter apparently idle. What I want to look at today is how the Natural World does things. Consciousness will do this for me.
Can we go into it. Listening to everything people say. We only need to make the place. Watch what people do, how they act and react and listen to everything they say. Then all of a sudden (overnight) I see a little action on the ends of the branches. Then read and look at everything that people have said about the natural world. We just pour in the water. Finding out whats in there and what it is. Some hear this and think raise as, work to increase, lift, raise like a barn, build and so on. Write it down. Every morning will be the Spring and the life I created will burst forth on the scene. If we keep putting water in a barrel and it will flow over the top and fill any spaces that are available on the ground. Consciousness is always being poured. The Inner World This is the study of life through introspection. In fact effort fills the place that consciousness would naturally fill if we got rid of effort. Any analogy will work as long as we see consciousness like water. All problems are personal problems. Keep pouring and the lake will rise until it flows over the hills and starts to fill the places available on the other side. Whats the problem? Identify as well as possible what the problem is. Sometimes a geographic relocation is the best solution. With any study one thing that has to be done is a lot of data collecting. Watching The World The World of People Watching everything that happens. Ive put a segment on this page (below) with a link to the full video: The Primacy Of Consciousness .
What I see are Ants. What Ive come to understand (so far) is that consciousness Is. I was looking at the tree off the balcony the other day. Like water, consciousness will fill any place available. They have adopted the style of a ferocious, gemme that, predator. What I learned from Ants is, if I keep putting one thing on top of another it will get taller. We can go toward it possibly in understanding. When I look around at the world of people I dont see much of this silent vibrant accomplishment. There are countless stories using light, and water, to represent consciousness when delivering messages and spiritual instruction. Leave it alone dont mess with it, just leave it. Is this what it says? The way Ive come to understand this is that raising this level is much like raising the level of a lake. How can I best, Get Things Done?
I dont want to be an Ant, and being a Tiger plays as long as youre the toughest Tiger (also a lot of work). Its the best Earth System Ive seen. Over the past few years most of my problems have been resolved while I was asleep. There are a lot of people who behave like Tigers. What Ive attempted to do is: simply concentrate on identifying the problem. Being what we are. All throughout the history of mankind weve heard the wise directing us to the light. It will fill, automatically and without effort on our part, any place available to it. Keep pouring and a lake will form.
I have nothing against Ants but I dont want to be one. If we can wouldnt this be the best way since were a part of this natural world? One thing youll notice if you watch nature is it does a lot of stuff without any noise. Effortless Solutions Which leads us again to our test our experiment. Everybody knows or has observed something. Its always been there.



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