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Her 9 month old kept hitting and biting her despite stern words telling him



Her 9 month old kept hitting and biting her despite stern words telling him

Her 9 month old kept hitting and biting her despite stern words telling him it was not acceptable. Of course, the reality is that all babies develop different habits that are more about exploring and experimenting than anything else, so there will be plenty of things your baby does that might confuse you or drive you crazy! The bottom line is that to deal with this self-doubt we have to build resilience and confidence in as many ways as we can.
Accept that motherhood is full of constant surprises and challenges. I can honestly tell you that being a new mom brings on a lot of self doubt. You have to trust your instincts. Understand that it is okay to let dad help. And what is a good mom anyway? Well, I think that everyone has their own definition for what a good mom is so really all I can do is offer you mine. Just be their mom. And each and everyday you will find that you know more then you did the day before. It doesn't matter if you are able to do it quicker, let him do it and let him do it his way.
The anxiety over whether you are a good mom or not will never really go away, really all it does is hide out for awhile until it decides to show up again. It is probably the one time in your life when your self confidence will be at the lowest. A good mom is a mom that loves her child/children unconditionally. we are moms.
There are days when all you want to do is cry and there are days when you will pray that you don't "screw" up your baby. It doesn't really matter which girl you were because right now, we are in the same group. My friend recently told me of one of her experiences with her children that tested that "good mom" paranoia.. Being a mom is not easy and unfortunately there isn't a class you can take a test to pass to give you the "ok" to be a mom. . Accepting that your baby will develop good, bad, funny and interesting habits is just par for the course. Know right now that they are not perfect; there is nothing that you can do to make them perfect and just because they make a mistake or behave badly doesn't mean you did anything wrong.
There are many women that will tell you that motherhood was a dream of theirs since they were little girls. But there are also days when you will realize that there is nothing in this world that you would rather be doing other than being a mom. Letting your husband share in the experience of parenting doesn't take away from your ability to be a good mom. There isn't anyone that knows your baby better then you do. Sadly, she kept doubting herself and wondering if she had done anything wrong.
You know what is best for you baby and you know that you will do what you can to make sure that your child is cared for and taken care of. Investing time and energy into our own wellbeing is definitely a critical part of this. You are a good mom. Then there are other women that Injection Molding Barrel will tell you motherhood was nowhere in their agenda for their life and it just sorted happened. Playing house and mothering every doll and pet then could get their hands on.



No Name Ninja

